Preface—Couchsurfer ,a world without strangers.
题记 —沙发客,没有陌生人的世界。
—— In memorying of the gathering in Jiangmen
—— 纪念江门聚会——to 天凉(stand by your guns, we all believe in you.) There are so many post about our gathering in Jiangmen, so I will not say more about it, instead, I would to share something in the depth of my heart after the party. 关于此次江门聚会的帖子已是多的数不胜数了,我就不再细讲了,我倒是想讲讲聚会后的内心深处的想法。 Posts of the the gathering in Jiangmen: 关于江门聚会的相关帖子: Once, I was afraid of getting along with strangers and I would like to do everything, as I thought that no not could know about the deep inner need of my mind. I was rebellious, quiet and lonely. 曾经的我,很害怕接触陌生人,喜欢独来独往,因为我总是固执的认为,没有人能真正懂得我内心的渴求。我是叛逆的,安静的,也是孤独寂寞的。
However, I knew everything has to end, I was not the same. Accidentally, couchsurfer engaged my attention. I logged in, registered, and got a credential. From then on, I fell in love with it and keep a watchful eye on it. 然而,我知道,时候该做出改变了,我要做个全新的自我。一次偶然的机会,我接触了沙发客,登陆、注册、身份认证。从那之后,我便深深的爱上了它,并时时关注着它。
Knowing others’ wonderful experience, my heart felt ready for it. On the National Day in 2012, as it was a long vacation, I decided to be out go away. Just because of the coconut juice, I chose Hainan as my destination. On October3, with little preparation, I started my crazy journey alone. How crazy is it? You can just have a look at it. 看着别人精彩的旅程,我的内心也蠢蠢欲动了。在2012年的国庆长假,我决定要出走远行。就因为想喝椰汁的一个念头,我决定去海南。在10月3日,稍作准备,我便一个人开始我的疯狂之旅。有多疯狂?尽管看看吧。!app=2&via=QZ.HashRefresh&pos=catalog_list!app=2&via=QZ.HashRefresh&pos=catalog_list
With full warmth in my heart, I started my homeward journey. 带着满满的感动,我踏上归途了。
Since then, I lose my heart to couchsurfer. I keep a watchful eye on it, and take part in their parties. We establish deep feeling with each other. As a result, when we knew that one of our friends in Jiangmen, 天凉之秋, are going to Xizang, we made up our mind to hold a farewell party for him in Jiangmen in May18-19. That journey, has deeply carved in our hearts. Boys and girls , breakdown and insistence, they are part of our lives now. 自从那以后,我便沉迷于沙发客了。我时时关注着沙发客,并经常参加沙发客聚会,我们也因此建立了深厚的感情。所以,当我们知道我们的朋友,天凉之秋要准备西藏行了,我们便决定在5月18—19日去给他送行。而那次的聚会,也深深的刻在了我们的心里。男生们,女孩们,现在,崩溃与坚持,已成为了我们生命的一部分了。
To sum up, I wanna thank you all you guys.It is you all that make me believe that I am not alone, both psychologically and physically. And I do hope that everyone of us can go further, to persue our dream in the deep of our heart, to search for the inner self.Please remember,you are not alone. 最后总结一下,我对你们表达深深的感谢,是你们让我相信,我不是孤身一人,不管是在精神上,还是行动上。我真切希望,我们大家都能在自己人生的道路上走得更远,去努力追寻自己梦想,探索自己的内心世界。要记得,我们永远在一起。
PS:本人没有什么文学功底,虽说是英语专业,但实在底子也不是很很好,所以请各位大神不要吐槽哈。如有任何错误,欢迎指正。 最后的最后,祝愿天凉一路平安。带着满满的祝福出发,收获满满的感动。