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childhood的个人空间 http://www.cnsfk.com/?20621 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


  • I will leave.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • FEELING OR NOTHING,(来自每日签到) 回复
  • Why he didn't answer my phone or reply my message all day? I worry about his health.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • In fact, I so care about him but I never know what does he think? If he can say something good news for me ,I will smile a lot and I will do my best to get along with him. I am waiting and waiting. 回复
  • I have a good time all day.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • I like to travel with him but he is doing another job.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • I am so tire today causes the awful women.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • I stay at home all day.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • 因为舍不得你,所以才很珍惜接下来的时间,尽管大家的方向不同,依然还是有一分归依。(来自每日签到) 回复
  • I think I cannot take an excellent result for the speaking exam (来自每日签到) 回复
  • I am so tied today.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • Oh, the teachers often like to communite theirs classes so fast.I can't catch up sometimes.(来自每日签到) 回复
  • When the class become harder and harder, students will get the stress day by day. How to descreading the stress and paying more attention to the class are the most importing event at the momount. [em: ... 回复
  • Because I have one writing class in the morning, I think it's quite boring. Absent the class.(来自每日签到) 回复
  •   Nothing was exviting. Someone maybe doesn't expect the class will become more interesting than before. As you can see, the teacher spend more time with the particts in class, and she only did. 回复


What happened this week? 2012-07-27
那一抹微笑 2011-01-23
       浩浩荡荡的同学们乘车来到福建土楼,一路上安安静静的在车中坐着。待打开车门的那一刻,男同学们不禁欢呼,真壮观。目的 ...
星期一的海滩 2011-01-19
        临近放假的日子已经寥寥可数,我们两个同学选择在星期一的早上去海边散心。      &n ...
心有多大,梦想就有多大 2010-12-06
     曾经在杂志上看到过一篇关于美国州长的竞选心路历程,他总结当选的原因是:心有多大,梦想就有多大。      ...


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木子永 2012-7-18 16:11
木子永 2012-7-15 10:46
琴旋 2011-3-23 13:14
childhood: 头像设计得有特色。
简惜 2011-2-19 21:55
childhood 2010-12-10 22:41
ivyweixiao 2010-12-9 15:17
childhood: Me too.G00d luck to you.
where are you ?
ivyweixiao 2010-12-6 22:04
childhood: 您好,我是小被子,很高兴能认识您。我来自汕头。
ivyweixiao 2010-12-3 21:43

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