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childhood的个人空间 http://www.cnsfk.com/?20621 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


What happened this week?

已有 610 次阅读2012-7-27 14:41 |个人分类:答答

                  At the begining of the advanced class, I am so exciting about the class because I am in the last level finally. But I realized that the class is not as same as the other levels . It looks like a nightmaire sometimes. Maybe I want to avoid the problem and prefer to learn more music class.  Even though I know that it is not a good way to solve the problem , I still pay more attention at other causes such as violin and painting. When I am in these courses, I am so enjoyable and not need to think about anything unuseful. It just like a way that I can relax my mind.
           Sometimes I was late for the class due to the stress and lazy. 






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