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La Conversación Con Mi Amigo Español

热度 2已有 458 次阅读2012-10-28 18:10 |个人分类:西班牙语

La Conversación Con Mi Amigo Español

[2012/10/27 21:22:59] Andrew: hola
[2012/10/27 21:23:53] Carlos: Hola
[2012/10/27 21:29:52] Andrew: como estas
[2012/10/27 21:30:02] Andrew: puedes ayudarme
[2012/10/27 21:30:44] Andrew: :P
[2012/10/27 21:31:33] Andrew: estás ocupado?¿
[2012/10/27 21:32:35] Carlos: Dime qué necesitas. Estoy un poco ocupado, pero puedo atenderte.
[2012/10/27 21:33:10] Andrew: help me translate one sentence, thanks
[2012/10/27 21:33:38] Andrew: There is still a long way to go and there is too much to learn.
[2012/10/27 21:35:15] Andrew: plz visit my profile at http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/andrewangel/
[2012/10/27 21:35:18] Carlos: Todavía hay un largo camino que recorrer y demasiado que aprender.
[2012/10/27 21:35:35] Andrew: muchas grcias
[2012/10/27 21:35:38] Andrew: gracias
[2012/10/27 21:35:44] Carlos: De nada.
[2012/10/27 21:36:09] Carlos: ¿Te parece muy difícil el español?
[2012/10/27 21:36:55] Andrew: no
[2012/10/27 21:37:33] Carlos: ¿Es popular en China? ¿O lo aprende poca gente?
[2012/10/27 21:37:44] Andrew: i am going to another country¡ voy a otro país
[2012/10/27 21:37:54] Carlos: ¿A cuál?
[2012/10/27 21:38:42] Andrew: i am going to anothr country means  voy a otro país
[2012/10/27 21:38:53] Carlos: Sí
[2012/10/27 21:39:03] Andrew: gracias
[2012/10/27 21:39:13] Andrew: many people are learning spanish
[2012/10/27 21:41:23] Carlos: Do you think most of the Chinese will be able to speak Spanish in few years?
[2012/10/27 21:41:34] Andrew: no
[2012/10/27 21:41:41] Carlos: u.u
[2012/10/27 21:42:00] Andrew: there are still few people who speak english here
[2012/10/27 21:42:06] Andrew: :P
[2012/10/27 21:42:25] Andrew: te quiero idiomas
[2012/10/27 21:43:40] Andrew: amo idiomas
[2012/10/27 21:43:43] Carlos: Forget English. Spanish is better. It's growing fast and it's the second most natively spoken language after Mandarin Chinese :P
And we are cooler than the anglosaxons :P
[2012/10/27 21:45:03] Andrew: i cant forget ingles
[2012/10/27 21:45:16] Andrew: or i cant communicate with you
[2012/10/27 21:45:22] Carlos: I mean: don't care about it XD
[2012/10/27 21:45:34] Andrew: Sí
[2012/10/27 21:46:36] Carlos: Spanish was once the international language and it's going to be it again for the second time :P
[2012/10/27 21:47:06] Andrew: spain colonized many countries in history
[2012/10/27 21:47:28] Andrew: especially the latin america
[2012/10/27 21:49:09] Andrew: pero era la historia
[2012/10/27 21:50:24] Andrew: :P
[2012/10/27 21:52:11] Carlos: Y pronto será de nuevo verdad :P
[2012/10/27 21:53:36] Andrew: Yo no espero
[2012/10/27 21:53:54] Carlos: ¿Por qué no?
[2012/10/27 21:54:19] Andrew: no nuedo español
[2012/10/27 21:54:47] Carlos: ¿nuedo?
[2012/10/27 21:55:17] Andrew: no puedo hablar español
[2012/10/27 21:55:38] Carlos: Sí puedes, pero necesitas practicar más :P
[2012/10/27 21:56:38] Andrew: gracias por sus palabras de aliento
[2012/10/27 21:57:54] Andrew: gracias por sus palabras de aliento means thanks for your encouragement
[2012/10/27 21:58:08] Carlos: Sí
[2012/10/27 21:58:16] Andrew: es correcto¿¿?
[2012/10/27 21:58:25] Andrew: Gracías
[2012/10/27 21:58:31] Carlos: De nada.
[2012/10/27 21:59:15] Andrew: es tarde de china
[2012/10/27 21:59:24] Andrew: Tengo que ire
[2012/10/27 21:59:48] Andrew: Muchas gracías por enseñarme Español
[2012/10/27 22:00:09] Carlos: De nada. Ya verás que pronto hablarás español perfectamente :D
[2012/10/27 22:01:00] Andrew: i have to go means tengo wue ire
[2012/10/27 22:01:12] Carlos: Sí
[2012/10/27 22:01:23] Carlos: *Me tengo que ir.
[2012/10/27 22:01:45] Andrew: sí gracias
[2012/10/27 22:03:01] Andrew: one more question please
[2012/10/27 22:03:21] Carlos: Dime
[2012/10/27 22:04:03] Andrew: My conversation with my spanish friend= el conversaccion con mi espanol amigo
[2012/10/27 22:04:33] Andrew: i will deliver our conversation as an article
[2012/10/27 22:04:42] Andrew: in my qqzone
[2012/10/27 22:05:01] Carlos: *La conversación con mi amigo español.
[2012/10/27 22:05:21] Carlos: In Spanish, the adjective normally goes after the noun.
[2012/10/27 22:05:38] Andrew: si gracias por ensenarme
[2012/10/27 22:06:18] Carlos: And 'conversación' is femenine. Most of the nouns ending in "-ción" are femenine.
[2012/10/27 22:06:50] Andrew: i remember
[2012/10/27 22:07:03] Andrew: thanks for teaching me so patiently
[2012/10/27 22:09:41] Carlos: ^^
[2012/10/27 22:10:20] Andrew: como es tu chino
[2012/10/27 22:10:42] Carlos: Sólo sé decir 'ni hao' :P
[2012/10/27 22:11:23] Andrew: mi espanol es mas bueno tu chino
[2012/10/27 22:12:25] Carlos: Sí XD
[2012/10/27 22:12:35] Andrew: my spanish is better than your chinese= mi espanol is better than your chinese?  right
[2012/10/27 22:13:10] Carlos: *Mi español es mejor que tu chino.
[2012/10/27 22:13:41] Andrew: mejor means better
[2012/10/27 22:13:47] Andrew: que= than
[2012/10/27 22:13:52] Carlos: Sí
[2012/10/27 22:14:06] Andrew: very strange to me
[2012/10/27 22:14:10] Andrew: no entiendo
[2012/10/27 22:15:31] Carlos: good - bueno
better - mejor
best - el mejor / óptimo
[2012/10/27 22:16:05] Carlos: ¿Por qué no?
[2012/10/27 22:16:32] Andrew: entiendo
[2012/10/27 22:19:43] Carlos: Cuando sepas un poco más de español te enviaré libros que tengo en mi PC para que leas ^^
[2012/10/27 22:20:29] Andrew: no entiendo plz explain in english
[2012/10/27 22:21:17] Carlos: When you know some more Spanish I'll send you some books I have in my PC to read.
[2012/10/27 22:21:43] Andrew: muchas gracias

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