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My bad experience in Manila, the Philippines.(在菲律宾首都马尼拉的糟糕经历)

热度 5已有 536 次阅读2012-10-8 06:57 |个人分类:在菲律宾作沙发客| Manila

My bad experience in Manila, the Philippines.

Recently, when I was traveling in the Philippines, I had a bad experience with a local carriage driver. I know that I was ripped off by this scrupulous carriage driver. When I was walking in Rizal Park, a carriage driver drove over to ask me if I would like to have a tour around Rizal Park and China Town. Here is the conversation between me and him.

A = carriage driver   B = me

A: Would you like to have a tour around Rizal Park and China Town?

B: How much is the fare?

A: 20.

B: (I thought it was 20 pesos) How about 15?

A: OK. Get on.

After I got on the carriage, we chatted while the carriage was moving on. When we arrived at a landmark, he stopped, and I took some photos. 20 minutes later, I thought the tour was so cheap. It was impossible. I told the driver to drop me off. And I paid 15 pesos to him. I gave him a 20-peso note. He said no, it was twenty hundred pesos. Suddenly I realized he was trying to cheat me. Here is the conversation between me and him.

A: ( He saw me giving him a 20-peso note) No.

B: you said the fare was 15 after I bargained it down.

A: No. It was 20 hundred.

B: Let’s go to the Police.

A: OK. If you don’t have enough money, you will be arrested.

B: I don’t have enough money.

… After a long conversation, I paid him 500 pesos and 30 Chinese RMB.

I said to him that I don’t have enough money to go back to Paranaque. He returned me 160 pesos. After that I walked back to Rizal park.

I told this bad experience to the park guards. They felt sorry that this happened to me. They told me to be more careful next time. For a local Filipino, the tour around Rizal Park and China Town is 100 pesos or 200 pesos at most. I was cheated about 400 pesos ….even more than this.

I remind you dear couchsurfers. Be careful! When you ask the driver how much the fare, be careful about his answer. If the carriage driver says the fare is 10, ask him about the specific currency…..it is 10 pesos or 10 dollars or 10 hundred pesos.

This driver is the only bad guy I have seen when I was in the Philippines. Anyway, most of the Filipinos were friendly to me. I am extending my heartfelt thanks to the Filipinos who helped me a lot when I need help.

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回复 牛奶牛奶 2012-10-8 08:36
回复 朱珠 2012-10-8 09:02
Such a bad driver
回复 背包游世界 2012-10-8 15:39
朱珠: Such a bad driver
回复 背包游世界 2012-10-8 15:39
牛奶牛奶: 英文。。
回复 朱珠 2012-10-8 16:27
背包游世界: 其他菲律宾人对我挺好的,没事
回复 背包游世界 2012-10-8 22:15
朱珠: 出国游真的要注意货币问题呢,不过后来他还能还给你160比索,也算没有坏彻底了。。
呵呵, ^^ 还好
回复 薄荷想想 2012-10-29 09:02
回复 背包游世界 2012-10-29 12:36
薄荷想想: 出门在外真的要多长一个心眼!!!
回复 锋舞之巅 2012-11-9 14:33
回复 背包游世界 2012-11-10 11:14
锋舞之巅: 会爱上这种生活的_
回复 长珍 2013-1-2 11:52
How do you get such good English? cool
回复 背包游世界 2013-1-5 06:54
长珍: How do you get such good English? cool
Study hard, insist on learning it.
回复 长珍 2013-1-5 12:28
背包游世界: Study hard, insist on learning it.
ok ,i  see

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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